Jackie Chan Box (3-disc) DVD
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Birth name: Chan Kong-sang - Birth date: 7 April 1954 - Height: 174 cm
At the age of 7 he was enrolled at the Peking Opera School. The training in music,
acrobatics and many martial arts lasted 18 hours a day. Exercises were brutal, the kids
performing headstands for hours on end. Beatings were commonplace, both at the
hands of the Master and the other boys.
In perfecting his craft, he’s broken his nose three times, and also cracked his ankle,
most of his fi ngers, both his cheekbones and his skull (patched together with a steel plate).
It’s hard to conceive how popular Jackie Chan is today. But one indicator is that in front
of Mann’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood you’ll fi nd the hand-prints of the legendary
Bruce Lee. You’ll also see the marks of Jackie Chan’s hands, feet and, yes, that big nose.
2007: Rush Hour 3
2005: Time Breaker
2004: The Huadu Chronicles: Blade Of The Rose / New Police Story / Around The World In 80 Days / Enter The Phoenix
2003: The Medallion / The Twins Effect / Shanghai Knights
2002: The Tuxedo
2001: Rush Hour 2 / The Accidental Spy
2000: Shanghai Noon
1999: Gen-X Cops / Jackie Chan: My Stunts / The King Of Comedy / Gorgeous
1998: Hong Kong Face-Off / The Path Of The Dragon / Jackie Chan: My Story / Rush Hour / Who Am I?
1997: The Art Of Infl uence / Burn, Hollywood, Burn / Mr Nice Guy
1996: First Strike
1995: Rumble In The Bronx / Dead Heat
1994: Drunken Master 2
1993: Police Story 4: Once A Cop / Crime Story / City Hunter
1992: Police Story 3: Supercop / Twin Dragons
1991: Armour Of God 2
1990: Island Of Fire
1989: Black Dragon
1988: Police Story 2
1987: Project A Part 2: Dragons Forever
1986: Armour Of God
1985: Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars / Police Story / Heart Of The Dragon / To Catch A Ninja / The Protector / Los Supercamorristas / My Lucky Stars
1984: Wheels On Meals / Dragon Attack / Pom Pom / Two In A Black Belt / Cannonball Run 2
1983: Project A / Fearless Hyena Part 2 / 5 Lucky Stars
1982: Dragon Lord / Marvellous Fists
1981: Cannonball Run
1980: The Big Brawl / The Young Master
1979: Fearless Hyena / Dragon Fist
1978: Magnificent Bodyguards / Spiritual Kung Fu / Snake And Crane Arts Of Shaolin / Snake In The Eagle’s Shadow / Drunken Master
1977: Fist Of Death / To Kill With Intrigue / Half A Loaf Of Kung Fu
1976: Shaolin Wooden Men / New Fist Of Fury / Killer Meteors
1975: All In The Family / No End Of Surprises / Hand Of Death
1974: The Golden Lotus / Rumble In Hong Kong / Supermen Against The Orient
1973: Eagle Shadow Fist / Attack Of The Kung Fu Girls / The Young Tiger / Enter The Dragon
1972: Hapkido / Fist Of Unicorn / Fist Of Fury
1971: Master With Cracked Fingers
1969: A Touch Of Zen / Kung Fu Girl
1965: Big Drunk Hero
1964: The Story Of Qui Glin
1963: The Love Eternal
1962: Big And Little Wong Tin Bar
Rumble In The Bronx (1996):
Keung kommer til New York i anledning af sin onkels bryllup, og mens onklen tager på bryllupsrejse, holder han øje med hans købmandsforretning i Bronx. Snart får Keung imidlertid brug for alle sine hårdtslående evner, for en lokal bande laver ravage i kvarteret, og politiet er ikke meget for at skride ind.Heldigvis har Keung et trick eller to med sig i bagagen fra Hongkong!
New Police Story (2004):
The Commander: Veteran, højt dekoreret. Offentligt ydmyget af skurkene. Privat ved at gå i hundene. The Bad Guys: Unge, hippe, high-tech specialister. Games programmører. Dødsforagtende BMX cykelakrobater. The Mission: Infiltrer. Hævn døde kollegaer. The Result: Jackie Chan returns to his roots!
Thunderbolt (1995):
Dit hjerte dunker vildt. Adrenalinen prikker i alle nervespidser. Al din koncentrationsevne er fokuseret på startsignalet. 3, 2, 1,GO! Din højre fod hamrer speederpedalen i bund og slipper 600 brølende hestekræfter løs. G-kraften presser dig tilbage i sædet. Synsfeltet indsnævres. En enkelt fejl og din toptunede streetracer forvandles til et flammende ligbål Jackie Chan er den benhårde mekaniker med højoktan benzin i blodet. Hans store lidenskab er illegale racerløb med skyhøje pengepræmier og maksimal risiko. En af de allerbedste kørere er Cougar. En iskold chauffør og viser det sig en kynisk lejemorder med adskillige liv på samvittigheden.