National Geographic: History\'s Secrets Box
| National Geographic: History\'s Secrets Box DVD
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De fleste historikere er enige om, hvordan verdens store begivenheder udspillede sig. Alligevel er der ofte ubesvarede spørgsmål, som giver plads til tvivl, rygter og konspirationsteorier. National Geographic opgraver gamle spor, dissekerer beviser og undersøger sandheden bag nogle af historiens største begivenheder...og beviser, at historiebøgernes fortællinger enten er rigtige - eller forkerte - en gang for alle.
Disk 1
- Secrets of the Virgin Queen
Queen Elizabeth’s reign over the English kingdom became known as England’s Golden Age – but behind the Queen there were many dark secrets.
- The Romanovs
What is the real story of one of the world’s most fabled royal families? Were all of the royal family assassinated – or did the Tsar’s daughter, Anastasia, escape to lay claim to the family fortune of three billion dollars?
Disk 2
- The Hunt for Hitler
Adolf Hitler’s body disappeared mysteriously and decades later we learn that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin concealed his body. What happened to Hitler and what are the reasons behind the Soviet’s deception?
- CIA Secret Experiments
Many facts indicate that CIA was involved in experiments with mind control, biological weapons, interrogation methods and much more. What was the true extent of these experiments and CIA’s efforts to build the perfect assassin?
Disk 3
- Moon Landings
Neil Armstrong’s iconic first steps on the moon are etched into history, but there are many make-or-break moments of the moon landings that could have changed history as we know it.
- The Real Roswell Conspiracy
When Mac Brazel found remnants of a strange object in New Mexico in July 1947, rumors about UFO’s spread like wildfire. Federal authorities removed all traces of the silvery object, but to this day, some still swear the government is hiding something big.