Battlefield: Bad Company Classic /X360
| Battlefield: Bad Company Classic /X360 xbox-360
Butik | Pris | Gå til butik | Coolshop | Tjek prisen |  | Vi befinder os nogle f? ?r ude i fremtiden, hvor Europa og Asien er ved at blive revet i stumper og stykker af en alt?del?ggende konflikt. Du er en del af en lille gruppe p? fire soldater, der v?lger at desertere fra h?ren for at kaste jer ud i jeres helt eget felttog, hvor I bev?ger jer langt v?k fra frontlinjen for at s?ge jeres egen lykke.
Undervejs pr?senteres du for helt nye sider af den popul?re Battlefield-univers, hvor du placeres midt i en dynamisk verden, hvor n?sten alt kan ?del?gges og bruges taktisk, og hvor du har frihed til at finde din egen m?de at l?se de mange opgaver, der venter i den omfattende single player-historie. Du kan fx spr?nge huller i mure og bruge dem som d?kke, mens du nedl?gger modstandere p? stribe med din snigskytteriffel, eller du kan pl?je din kampvogn direkte gennem bygninger og p? den m?de f? ram p? ellers skjulte fjender.
Uanset hvilken taktik, du v?lger, f?r du brug for at t?nke kreativt og ?ndre strategi, efterh?nden som fjenden finder p? nye angrebsmetoder. Der er aldrig to slag, som er ens.Du kan ogs? kaste dig ud i den nye version af seriens velpr?vede multiplayer-udfordringer, hvor op til 24 spilleren m?des til blodige opg?r online. Grafisk vil Bad Company ogs? s?tte nye standarder for n?stegenerations konsollerne takket v?ret DICE's nyudviklede, grafiske Frostbite-motor.
Set in the near future, the Battlefield: Bad Company single-player campaign drops gamers into a dramatic Eurasian conflict. As part of a squad of four soldiers, players risk it all to go AWOL on a personal quest for riches and revenge. Featuring a dramatic storyline flavored with dark humor, Battlefield: Bad Company leads gamers far from the traditional frontlines on a wild ride with a group of renegade soldiers who decide that sometimes the gratitude of a nation just isn't enough.
The Battlefield: Bad Company cinematic single-player experience captures the freedom and intensity of the franchise's legendary multiplayer sandbox gameplay in a dynamic world where nearly everything is destructible. Gamers have total freedom to be daring and innovative, adapting to and tackling challenges in unexpected "Battlefield-style" ways. Create sniping positions by blowing out a piece of a wall or drive your tank straight through a small house - anything can happen on an ever-changing battlefield, forcing players, their teammates, and enemies to react accordingly.
Battlefield: Bad Company also features a full suite of the franchise's trademark multiplayer gameplay, supporting 24 players online.
Battlefield: Bad Company is the first game built from the ground up for next-generation consoles using DICE's bleeding-edge Frostbite game engine, delivering unrivaled graphics, effects and gameplay.
* Cinematic single-player experience - A deep campaign loaded with dark humor follows a wayward band of ordinary soldiers who risk it all on a quest for revenge and personal gain * War, your way - Battlefield: Bad Company sandbox environments are 90 percent destructible, meaning any structure can be demolished down to its foundation. Gamers can shape the battlefield to match their play style - the possibilities are literally endless. * New vehicles, weapons and toys - Land, air or sea, dozens of new tools are waiting for explosive experimentation. Battlefield: Bad Company gives gamers the building blocks to get creative and usher in a new era of their own "Battlefield moments" * Frostbite game engine - DICE's Frostbite game engine raises the bar for next-gen gaming, with stunning HD graphics that bring characters, vehicles, and environments to life like never before., * Genre-defining multiplayer - Support for 24 players online* in a world designed to take full advantage of the game's massively destructible environments * True "Through the gun" experience - DICE's attention to detail is applied to the act of firing a weapon. Dozens of subtle changes to the FPS formula add up to a vastly improved shooting experience.