Command & Conquer 3: Kane\'s Wrath (UK) /PC
| Command & Conquer 3: Kane\'s Wrath (UK) /PC pc
Butik | Pris | Gå til butik | Coolshop | Tjek prisen |  | Nu kan du f? styret alle dine krigeriske tendenser og fintune dit taktiske overblik, n?r sagaen om krigen over alle krige, kampen om det altafg?rende Tiberium, forts?tter med Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath, en udvidelsespakke til det succesfulde Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.Udvidelsespakken byder p? en helt ny omgang krigeriske single player-oplevelser, hvor du som spiller f?r mulighed for at gennemleve en helt ny historie, der sp?nder over 20 ?r - fra genf?dslen af Nod-broderskabet efter den anden tiberiumkrig, gennem de dramatiske begivenheder under den tredje krig og endnu videre. Historien fort?lles ved hj?lp af en ny samling videosekvenser med deltagelse af skuespillere som fx Joe Kucan, der har optr?dt som Kane i Command & Conquer -spillene gennem et ?rti, og som her gentager sin rolle som Nod's selvforherligende galning af en leder.Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath tilf?jer ogs? den velkendte gameplay et nyt, strategisk lag, der g?r det muligt for dig at oprette baser, konstruere dine egne h?re og angribe fjenderne p? et globalt m?lestok - hvorefter du s? kan springe direkte ind i de taktiske kampe p? slagmarken. Spillet introducerer ogs? seks nye underfraktioner og et v?ld af nye enheder, bygninger og kr?fter fra b?de GDI, Nod og de n?desl?se Scrin-aliens.
Xbox 360T-versionen af Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath vil pr?sentere et revolutionerende nyt interface, designet specielt til konsolspillerne. Ved at l?fte RTS-styringen til et helt nyt niveau vil spillerne kunne bruge deres controller til hurtigt og enkelt at bygge, udstationere og angribe.
Experience a new story that spans 20 years - from the rebirth of the Brotherhood of Nod after the Second Tiberium War through the dramatic events of the Third Tiberium War and beyond. The story is told through a new set of high-definition live action video sequences starring a celebrity cast. Joe Kucan, the original actor who portrayed the character Kane in Command & Conquer games over the last decade, will reprise his role as the megalomaniacal leader of the Brotherhood of Nod. Other details of the cast have yet to be announced.
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath also features a new strategic layer of gameplay that allows you to establish bases, build customized armies, and attack your enemies on a global scale - and then dive into the frenzied tactical combat where your skills as a commander will be tested to the limits. The game introduces six new sub-factions and a wealth of new units, structures, and powers to the armies of the Global Defense Initiative, the Brotherhood of Nod, and the enigmatic alien Scrin.
* Unprecedented Multi-decade Campaign - Kane returns as the centerpiece of an epic new single-player campaign. Experience a new story that spans 20 years - from the rebirth of the Brotherhood of Nod after the Second Tiberium War through the dramatic events of the Third Tiberium War and beyond. Facilitate the rise of the Brotherhood leading up to and beyond the events of Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars.
* Global Conquest - Fight the Third Tiberium War your way. Take command in an all new global conquest mode. Position your forces on a strategic level and then wage conflict in the fast, fluid, furious, tactical gameplay that Command & Conquer pioneered. Map out your strategies on the planetary level and wage all-out war on the ground.
* Live-Action Videos are back! - Witness the rise of the Brotherhood first hand through intense live action video sequences starring Joe Kucan, the actor who originated the role of Kane in the Command & Conquer series in addition to a new celebrity cast of characters.
* Introduction of new Epic-Units - Devastate the battlefield with the immense firepower of all-new Epic-units. Customize your Epic-Units mid-battle via garrisoning and upgrades. Position these units in the strategic, global conquest mode then lay siege to your enemy at the tactical, battle level.
* Take Command of a Whole New Army- With the introduction of new units, structures, and abilities to each of the three factions, the Tiberium Wars will never be the same. Conquer your enemies with new units on both land and air.
* Specialized Sub-factions- Play to your strengths with six unique sub-factions, each equipped with their own exclusive units, powers, and upgrades. Utilize the sub-faction of your choice to fully take advantage and compliment your play style.