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Forsiden -> playstation-2 -> Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus /PS2
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus /PS2
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus /PS2

Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus /PS2 playstation-2

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Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus continues the exciting PSU story online as the player's personal online avatar is now the central character, investigating and working to restore peace in the chaotic Gurhal System. In addition to new enemies, weapons, levels and cities there will be more options available for gamers to further individualise and customise the look of their avatars.

The player investigates through a series of single-player missions, meeting familiar characters like Ethan Waber from Episode 1, along with other new ones, including a Guardian instructor, Laia Martinez. In addition, the online multiplayer world, with its fast-paced, engaging battle experience for up to six players, has been greatly expanded with new missions, new cities and new enemies.

* Expanded character customisation. Players get many more options to customise facial features, hair styles, body types, color palette, and clothing options.
* Enriched player-to-player interaction. New lobbies, including the Casino Voloyal which features games like roulette and slots, provide more social experiences for players.
* New weapons, combat abilities and classes. With additional weapons types and new special fighting abilities, such as SUV-weapons, Photon Arts, and all new classes, players will have more ways to expand or specialise the character's role within the Universe.
* New levels, enemies and bosses. With new areas to explore, such as the ruins of Old Rozenom City and the Granigs Mine, and new enemy types including new bosses, players face brand new challenges in all-new environments.
* The user's personal avatar is the star. In Phantasy Star Universe, players experienced the Universe through the eyes of Ethan Waber. Now they navigate the missions using their own customised avatar, working to restore peace in the Gurhal System.