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Forsiden -> playstation-2 -> Reservoir Dogs /PS2
Reservoir Dogs /PS2
Reservoir Dogs /PS2

Reservoir Dogs /PS2 playstation-2

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In 1992 an unknown director released a film about five total strangers, teaming up to commit the perfect crime.
The heist went wrong, people were killed and they smelt a rat. This is the premise for one of the most esteemed and duplicated directorial film debuts of all time.
Based on Quentin Tarantino's cult classic and staying true to the original plot and chronology, this intense third person shooter follows the progress and planning of that famed heist, filling in some of the blanks left from the film:
What happened to Mr. Blue and Mr. Brown? Where did Mr. Pink hide the diamonds? What actually happened at the heist? These questions and more will be answered as the game unfolds.